Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Reading Outside

Did you ever as a child lie in the grass in the summer time, and look up into the sky watching the clouds up above?
Has it been perhaps a long while since you did that?

If the answer to the above question was yes then I urge you to get your self a picnic blanket and on a sunny day put it outside somewhere quiet and lie down.
I have a pond and I put by blanket out there beside it this week and I lay down. I loved lying down outside doing this as a child ,making pictures out of the white fluffy clouds overhead.. It was calming and peaceful then, and I was glad to see that it still is.

After a little while I pulled out a book out of my bag( zipped closed to stop spiders from creeping in).
I rolled up my trousers, put on my sunnies and settled on my blanket, I just felt great. The sun was warm on my skin and it was hard to believe there were still joys like this that cost nothing at all. There was butterflies and bumblebees flying around, and thankfully they left me in peace .

So I lay there reading my book for a few hours before doing chores but I remember thinking later that night before I went to sleep how glad I was that I had done it and that I definitely should not leave it so long to do it again.
I am hoping to do this as often as I can while the sun lasts ,and take some time just sitting outside quietly reading, and enjoying all that nature has to offer me.

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